What is your 5 year goals? Do you ACTUALLY put in the action to reach it?

Jannik Hansen
2 min readApr 20, 2017

I’m an entrepreneur. A true optimist. I can tell you strongly about an idea — but if you come with the right argument for why — then I will change my opinion in a heartbeat and speak for that with a even higher passion.

I’m a starter — I love starting things. Rather start 5 things a day than finishing 1. It’s my biggest streghth and my biggest weakness.

But when you start setting goals — when you start telling the world that you want to reach a certain large goal in the future — you need to ask yourself the question “Am I putting in the right action now to reach this goal in 5 years?”. YOUR behaviour, YOUR effort is dictating your future potential success.

If you want to be the richest man on earth — you probably don’t have any time for family, friends or anything remotely close to that. So if you only work 50–60 hours a week — I can guarantee you that it’s not going to happen.

You have to reverse engineer your goals. Is your goal to build a business with a revenue of a million dollars/pounds in five years — then try to see what is that per month. £/$ 83.333.

That’s just £/$ 4.545 per working day (220 working days per year).

So now we can start focusing on — how can you get to that.

How many employees will it take?

How will you need to market your product?

Is your local area good enough? National? Global?

I have made so many business plans in my life that I don’t believe in them. So that’s not what I’m asking you to do!

I’m asking to guess!

Call it a “Business Guess”.
Let’s be real.

It’s about you putting in the right action towards your goal. It’s clarity. Hard work.

Talent is overvalued. If you can just unlearn stuff you already know — and replace it with what works. Put in hard work — and work on the right things for your goal.

Then constant reverse engineer: Am I putting in the right behaviour now to reach my 5 year goal?

Isn’t it much easier now? :-)

Let’s make some business’s.

